Dr. John Archer Library and Archives
Permanent URI for this communityhttps://hdl.handle.net/10294/10
The Dr. John Archer Library and Archives on the University of Regina campus houses monograph and journal collections of some 2.6 million items.
The Library holds over a million books, pamphlets and journals, approximately 600,000 government publications, over a million items in microform, as well as a growing collection of recordings and materials in other media.
The Archives collection consists of over 3,000 linear metres of records in various formats and over 15,000 photographs.
The Library is an active participant in the Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN), the Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries (COPPUL), the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL), the Multitype Library Board, and a number of other associations.
For more information on the library and its services, visit the web site at: www.uregina.ca/library/
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Item Open Access A study of drag‐and‐drop query refinement and query history visualization for mobile exploratory search(Wiley, 2024-12-30) Mohammad Hasan Payandeh; Orland Hoeber; Miriam Boon; Dale Storie; Veronica RamshawWhen undertaking complex search scenarios, the underlying information need cannot be satisfied by finding a single optimal resource; instead, searchers need to engage in exploratory search processes to find multiple resources by itera- tively revising and reformulation their queries. This process of query refinement is particularly challenging when using a mobile device, where typing is difficult. Furthermore, in mobile search contexts interruptions can lead to searchers los- ing track of what they were doing. To address these challenges, we designed a public digital library search interface for mobile devices that includes two novel features: drag-and-drop query refinement and query history visualization. To assess the value of this interface compared to a typical baseline, we conducted a controlled laboratory study with 32 participants that included pursuing complex search scenarios, being interrupted in the midst of the search, and resuming the search after the interruption. While participants took more time, they generated longer queries and reported positive subjective opinions about the usability of the exploratory search and task resumption features, along with a greater increase in certainty. These findings show the value of leveraging new touch- based interaction mechanisms within mobile search contexts, and the benefits that visualization can bring to supporting search task resumptionItem Open Access Academic Librarians, Open Access, and the Ethics of Care(University of Regina, Dr. John Archer Library, 2021)This paper explores the value of applying the ethics of care to scholarly communications work, particularly that of open-access (OA) librarians. The ethics of care is a feminist philosophical perspective that sees in the personal a new way to approach other facets of life, including the political and the professional. Care, in this context, is broadly construed as “a species of activity that includes everything we do to maintain, contain, and repair our ‘world’ so that we can live in it as well as possible” (Fisher & Tronto, 1990, p. 40). Joan Tronto outlined four elements of care: attentiveness, responsibility, competence, and responsiveness, and highlighted the value of care beyond the domestic sphere (1993). The ethics of care values care and relationships as instructive ways of framing and examining work, and has been applied in diverse disciplines, including education, nursing, social work, and even business. Several LIS professionals have considered the ethics of care in the context of library technologies (Henry, 2016) and digital humanities (Dohe, 2019), among others. The ethics of care can also provide inspiration for OA librarians as we think about the scope and nature of our work. What could open access librarians learn from the ethics of care? How might our practice change or evolve with the ethics of care as an underpinning philosophy? Who do we include in our circle of care while we undertake our work? The ethics of care provides a more expansive way to think about OA librarianship.Item Open Access Academic Supports for International Students(University of Regina Library, 2016-08-31) Chaudhry, Haroon; Loustel, CassandraItem Open Access AI, Bias, and Libraries(2024-05-03) Ramshaw, VeronicaItem Open Access Analysis of Pharmaceutical Policy in Canada(2012) Mailhot, JohnItem Open Access @Archer April 2012 Vol. 1, No. 8(University of Regina. Dr. John Archer Library. External Communications & Promotions Committee, 2012-04) Winter, Christina; Bradley, Cara; Hansen, Kirsten; Nowlan, Gillian; Vajcner, Mark; Shires, Michael; Bradley, CristaItem Open Access @Archer April 2013 Vol.2 No.7(2013-04-02) Sgrazzutti, William; Cushon, Kate; Cripps, Doug; Nowlan, Gillian; Davies, Dan; MacDonald, Carol; Vajcner, Mark; Shires, MichaelCARL Announces the Selection of 2013 Peer Mentors; Inclusive Education at the U of R; Ereader Prize Winners; Information Matters; New Books Search Tab Added to Library Catalogue; Saskatchewan History Online; Copyright and Teaching; PACA - Exhibitions at the President's Residence; COPPUL Collections MeetingItem Open Access @Archer August 2012 Vol. 1, No. 12(University of Regina Library, 2012-08) Cripps, Doug; Nowlan, Gillian; Chipanshi, Mary; Bradley, Crista; Winter, Christina; Cushon, Kate; Andrews, Marilyn; Resch, PeterItem Open Access @Archer December 2011 Vol. 1, No. 4(University of Regina. Dr. John Archer Library. External Communications & Promotions Committee, 2011-12) Nowlan, Gillian; Bradley, Cara; Bradley, Crista; Maaers, Vi; Andrews, Marilyn; Cushon, Kate; Shires, Michael; Nowlan, GillianItem Open Access @Archer December 2012 Vol. 2, No. 4(University of Regina. Dr. John Archer Library. External Communications & Promotions Committee, 2012-12-01) Nowlan, Gillian; Bradley, Cara; Vajcner, Mark; Cushon, Kate; Davies, DanNew Books on Pinterest; Welcome Dan Davies – Programming and Information Management Archivist for a one year term; Library Instruction Program; Early History of the College Avenue Campus; Teaching and Learning Award Opportunities – Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education; Upcoming CTL Workshops – Open Education Resources and Instructional Resources for Blended Learning; Information Matters – electronic document management systems (EDMS); Library Opens Earlier on Weekdays; Featured Database – ArtStor; Sherlock Holmes Event – December 18, 2012; Contact Us.Item Open Access @Archer Fall 2013 Vol.2 No. 8(2013-09-10) Davies, Dan; Nowlan, Gillian; Nelke, Barbara; Shires, Michael; Winter, Christina; Vajcner, Mark; Cushon, Kate; Phelps, CharlesArcher Library Mobile Site Additions; BrowZine Journal App; Summon 2.0; Information Matters; Recipient of the Dr. John Archer Library Award for 2013; Open Access Week; Featured Database; Library Establishes a Digital Curation Team; From the Centre for Teaching and Learning; International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) ConferenceItem Open Access @Archer Fall 2014(University of Regina Library, 2014-09-08) Nowlan, Gillian; Holobetz, James; Sgrazzutti, William; Shires, Michael; Chipanshi, Mary; Bradley, Christa; Bowman, DonnaWelcome; Win a Kindle Fire this Fall!; The Great War; Dr. John Archer Library Award; New Databases; Buffalo Hide Artwork @Archer; Reciprocal Borrowing Program; Pop-Up Librarian; Library Instruction Program; One-Stop Help; Information Matters; oURspace; Tasty Tips at Archer LibraryItem Open Access @Archer Fall 2015(University of Regina Library, 2015-09) van der Ven, Gillian; Chipanshi, Mary; Bowman, Donna; Holobetz, James; Shires, Michael; Thomas, Robert; Murphy, Colleen; Doerksen, BradWelcome from the Acting University Librarian; University of Regina Li-brary Author Rec-ognition Event; Copyright at the Uni-versity of Regina; Nursing Reference Center Plus; 3D Printing Now Open at the Library; From the Centre for Teach-ing and Learning; Recipient of the 2015 Dr. John Archer Library Award; Love at First Sight;Item Open Access @Archer February 2012 Vol. 1, No. 6(University of Regina. Dr. John Archer Library. External Communications & Promotions Committee, 2012-02) Nowlan, Gillian; Winter, Christina; Bradley, Crista; MacDonald, Carol; Bradley, Cara; Hansen, Kirsten; Vajcner, Mark; Cushon, Kate; Shires, MichaelItem Open Access @Archer February 2013 Vol.2, No. 6(2013-02-11) Nowlan, Gillian; Vajcner, Mark; Shires, Michael; Cushon, Kate; Davies, DanOn-site Librarian Services; Launch of Saskatchewan's Visual Arts Website; Beyond the Book Lecture; From the Centre for Teaching and Learning; Information Matters; Upcoming CTL Workshops; Featured Database; Dr. John Archer Library AwardItem Open Access @Archer January 2012 Vol. 1, No. 5(University of Regina. Dr. John Archer Library. External Communications & Promotions Committee, 2012-01) Winter, Christina; Nowlan, Gillian; Bradley, Cara; Bradley, Crista; Hansen, Kirsten; Cushon, KateItem Open Access @Archer January 2013 Vol. 2, No. 5(2013-01-11) Cushon, Kate; Cripps, Doug; Davies, Dan; Winter, Christina; Nowlan, GillianTeaching and Learning Conference: Call for Papers; Upcoming CTL Workshops; SSHRC Research Grant; "Teaching and Learning with the Power of Technology": 2013 Conference; Turnitin; Information Matters; Copyright Update - Bill C-11, the Copyright Modernization Act; Featured DatabaseItem Open Access @Archer July 2012 Vol. 1, No. 11(University of Regina. Dr. John Archer Library. External Communications & Promotions Committee, 2012-07) Cripps, Doug; Vajcner, Mark; Shires, Michael; Winter, Christina; Sgrazzutti, William; Andrews, Marilyn; Nowlan, GillianItem Open Access @Archer June 2012 Vol. 1, No. 10(University of Regina. Dr. John Archer Library. External Communications & Promotions Committee, 2012-06) Shires, Michael; Cripps, Doug; Bradley, Crista; Winter, Christina; Vajcner, Mark; Andrews, Marilyn; Sgrazzutti, WilliamItem Open Access Archer Library Annual Report 2017-18(University of Regina Library, 2018-11) University of Regina LibraryJean Baptiste Alphonse Karr once wrote, “plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose”. As we look back on 50 years of amazing service, support and innovation from the Dr. John Archer Library, I think we can agree that there have been incredible changes that were completely unforeseen when the doors were opened. But what has remained constant is the commitment to the underlying principles of librarianship and archival studies in a research university – the acquisition, synthesis and transformation of knowledge.