2013-14 Technology and Governance Lecture Series

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/10294/7501

From President Obama’s digital fund-raising campaign to the Liberal Party of Canada’s social media organizing efforts and technology-enabled movements from Idle No More to the Arab Spring, it is clear that digital communications is transforming political and public life. Are governments in Canada capitalizing on the latest communication technologies for internal operations and to engage more comprehensively with the public? With citizens becoming digitally savvy, governments must respond to the realities of the communication revolution in order to stay connected and relevant in the lives of Canadians.

John Wilkinson, Former Ontario Cabinet Minister and President & CEO of Wilkinson Insight Incorporated

Ken Coates, Professor and Canada Research Chair in Regional Innovation, Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Saskatchewan campus

Jeffrey Roy, Professor, School of Public Administration, Faculty of Management, Dalhousie University

Jocelyn Bourgon, Former Clerk of the Privy Council and President, Public Governance International


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