Investigating Acoustic Properties of Biocomposite from Waste Streams

Guo, Jiayi
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Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, University of Regina

Biocomposites are a type of material. Recently, research and development into biocomposites have experienced a resurgence, as they are environmental friendly material. As part of the “green” industries, biocomposites decrease the demands on traditional, synthetic or petroleum carbon based products. The biocomposite, as studied herein, consists of a reinforcing biofibres with a matrix and binder (polymers and elastomers) and were formed using thermal compression moulding. All the materials were reclaimed, except for the virgin polypropylene and polyethylene. The effects of varying the compositions of the biofibre and matrix/binding elements on the material and mechanical properties are analyzed and modeled. These properties as a function of the composition were characterized to advances value-added product from waste streams. The biofibre used in this study is from crop residue (agricultural straw: hemp) which is inherently variable. Similarly, the elastomer is from reclaimed tires. Size reduction and separation processing provides homogeneity to these sources for producing biocomposites with more repeatable characteristics for developing reliable products. Sound absorption coefficients for frequencies ranging from 300 to 3000 Hz were recorded following ASTM E1050 (2012) standard. The data was analyzed and modeled mathematically. Using regression functions that combined distribution curves and polynomials to represent the acoustic absorption coefficients frequency profiles for the studied biocomposites was completed. Also, for each sample set, an approximation to the noise reduction coefficient (NRC) was calculated by averaging the absorption coefficient values from 500, 1300, 1500, and 2000 Hz. In addition, for the same biocomposites, the acoustic results were compared with mechanical properties previously obtained using ASTM D412 (1998) tensile testing standard protocols. The data was further analyzed to determine mathematical relationship with the material and mechanical pr\operties of density, tensile yield strength and ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and acoustic absorption properties. This contribution is valuable for optimizing material selection when engineering products as compromises among these properties typically are made. For example, designing a light weight, yet strong product, requires a compromise between these properties since these properties tend to be inversely related. The observed trends between the material properties and increasing biofibre included: decreasing density, increasing magnitude of acoustic absorption coefficient, decreasing ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and a nonlinear relation with tensile yield strength. An inverse correlation between density (ρ) and the biocomposite NRC was modeled mathematically as NRC  5.505 3 15.365 2 14.39  4.6252. The relation between UTS and biocomposite NRC is NRC  0.1172UTS  0.2263. When applied to create a product to optimize the acoustic damping with maximum tensile strength using the studied biocomposite, the biocomposite, as indicated by the intersection of UTS and density or NRC curves as a function of biofibre content, composed of 40% hemp hurd, 50% fine crushed tire and 10% linear low density polyethylene is the best suited one. The thesis investigated the acoustic properties of biocomposites and created mathematical models for material and mechanical properties. These findings are pertinent for future research, design, and potential commercialization of innovative biocomposite products. Engineers can select material according to these properties creating products to meet unique criteria and the composition can be determined using well defined equations.

A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Applied Science in Industrial Systems Engineering, University of Regina. xi, 104 p.