Incidence, Circumstances and Risk Factors of Residential Careless Cooking Fires in the City of Regina

Jurdi-Hage, Rozzet
Giblett, Candace
Prawzick, Angela
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Community Research Unit, Faculty of Arts, University of Regina

This research project contributes to filling current gaps in fire data by undertaking primary research into the incidence, circumstances and risk factors of careless cooking in the City of Regina, with a focus on high risk populations.The findings in this report are based on surveys of 884 residential cooking fires that happened between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2015. Fire department officers collected information on all cooking incidents, irrespective of their severity or extent.

Residential cooking fires; Regina; community-based research
Jurdi-Hage, Rozzet, Giblett, Candace, and Prawzick, Angela. 2017. Incidence, Circumstances and Risk Factors of Residential Careless Cooking Fires in the City of Regina. Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada: Community Research Unit, Faculty of Arts, University of Regina and Regina Fire & Protective Services.