Cree: Language of the Plains / nēhiyawēwin: paskwāwi-pīkiskwēwin
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Cree: Language of the Plains is a comprehensive educational resource, offering a broad range of learning materials that is easily accessible to Cree language learners. This collection includes an updated and redesigned Cree language textbook, Cree language audio labs, and a Cree language workbook. With this edition of Cree: Language of the Plains, I am happy to have the chance to correct some typographical errors that were leftover from the first edition, or inadvertently introduced to the second edition. The contents of this edition are not greatly changed from the second edition of 2004 (with two exceptions detailed below), but hopefully the new design, formatting, and corrections will make for a more pleasing presentation of the material, and in turn better facilitate the readers’ attempts to begin to learn the language that I love so much. I am especially pleased that this work will now be made available in the open access format, allowing those who wish to learn and/or reclaim nēhiyawēwin (Plains Cree) for themselves.