Adam Solway interview 1

Solway, Adam
Welsh, Christine
Snowsill, Tony
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Canadian Plains Research Centre

Consists of an interview where Adam Solway talks about being orphaned at 8 years and adopted by the Blackfoot Reserve, Alta; his attendance at a residential school; becoming a councillor and then chief of the reserve. He comments on the issues he had to deal with as well as providing comments on contemporary lifestyles and leadership.

27 p. transcript of an interview with Adam Solway conducted by Christine Welsh and Tony Snowsill on January 29, 1983. Tape number IH-010, transcript disc 4.
Agriculture -- Cattle-raising, Agriculture -- Farming, Alcohol -- Liquor rights, Introduction of, Assimilation, Blackfoot Indians -- Population, Blackfoot Indians -- Sundance, Blackfoot Reserve -- Boundaries of, Blackfoot Reserve -- Land surrender, Blackfoot Reserve -- Management of, Blackfoot Reserve -- Trust fund, distribution of, Canadian Pacific Railway -- Land agreements, Ceremonies -- Sundance (Blackfoot), Chiefs and chieftainship -- Elected, Christian churches -- And Indian religion, Christian churches -- Attitudes toward, Clothing and personal adornment -- Early reserve period, Death -- Spirits of the dead, Disease and illness -- Smallpox, Disease and illness -- Spread by non-Indians, Discrimination -- Against women, Education -- Residential schools, Elders -- In political organizations, Food -- Rations, Government by Indians -- Band management, Horses -- As economic assets, Indian Affairs, Department of -- Permit system, Indian-Federal government relations -- White Paper (1969), Land -- Leases, Legislation -- Indian Act, Peigan Indians -- Population, Missionaries -- As agents of assimilation, Sarcee Indians -- Population, Social organization -- Band, Social organization -- Communalism, Societies -- Brave Dog Society (Blackfoot), Societies -- Chicken Society (Blackfoot), Societies -- Old Lady Society (Blackfoot), Societies -- Of women, Sports -- Hockey, Stoney Indians -- Population, Technological change -- Telephones, Treaties -- Treaty status, Values -- Loss of, Values -- Respect, Values -- Sharing, Work -- Attitudes toward, Work -- For wages, Work -- Self-sufficiency, Ayoungman, Big Eye, Jim, Boy Chief, Cardston, Alberta, Chretien, Jean, Crowfoot, Duck Chief, Gladstone, Senator James, Heavy Shield, High Eagle, Hind Bull, Medicine Shield, Frank, Munro, John, Three Suns, Trudeau, Pierre