$ 1 million gift and $500,000 matching pledge to support in Saving Darke Hall

By Greg Duck Posted: August 26, 2019 3:00 p.m.

Dr. Ann Phillips and Dr. Vianne Timmons, President and Vice-Chancellor, at the announcement of the transformative gift by the Ann and Roger Phillips Foundation in support of the Saving Darke Hall Campaign.
Dr. Ann Phillips and Dr. Vianne Timmons, President and Vice-Chancellor, at the announcement of the transformative gift by the Ann and Roger Phillips Foundation in support of the Saving Darke Hall Campaign. Photos: University Advancement and Communications

A transformational gift was announced this morning to help return Darke Hall to its former glory, and to inspire the community to push its renewal to completion.

A capacity crowd gathered in the newly renovated Historic Lecture Theatre at College Avenue Campus for the announcement of a $1 million gift from the Ann and Roger Phillips Foundation in support of the renewal of Darke Hall.

Arts, culture, and performance have played an important role in the lives of Ann and Roger Phillips, and it was their personal relationship with Darke Hall that served as the motivation to help complete its restoration.

"To have the opportunity to be part of the rebirth of Darke Hall as a home for the arts in Regina is a privilege," said Ann.

Constructed in 1929, Darke Hall was funded by benefactor Francis N. Darke with the goal to create a world-


Friends and supporters of the
University packed the newly
renovated Historic Lecture Theatre
at College Avenue Campus for the
announcement of the
transformational gift.

class performance space for the community of Regina. After 90 years, the Hall no longer meets code, and is in need of restoration to meet the needs of the next generation of performers and attendees. As the second phase of the College Avenue Campus Renewal Project, plans for the renewed Darke Hall include preservation of existing heritage elements, updates to mechanical, electrical, and heating, lighting and sound, improved accessibility, and a new common space. Darke Hall, thanks to the generosity of donors like Ann Phillips, is slated for reopening in January 2021.

At the first official event held at the newly restored Historic Lecture Theatre at College Avenue Campus, friends of the University in attendance also learned about the Darke Hall Matching Gift Challenge. Further to the $1 million outright gift, Ann has earmarked an additional $500,000 as a matching pledge, giving community members the opportunity to have their donations doubled.

"I encourage anyone who shares my passion to join in supporting of this project," said Ann to those gathered in the packed theatre.

To date, more than 550 people have donated to the College Avenue Campus Restoration Project. With the newly announced Darke Hall Matching Gift Challenge, Dr. Vianne Timmons, President and Vice-Chancellor, is hopeful that Ann's generosity will inspire others in the community to help reach the fundraising goal.

"We want to see the number of donors jump to 1,000!" said Timmons.

Ann, and her late husband, Roger Phillips moved to Regina in 1982 when Roger was named CEO of IPSCO. Under Roger's leadership, IPSCO greatly enhanced its corporate philanthropy. Ann enjoyed a successful career as a lawyer, and has made a great impact as a tireless volunteer and philanthropist. Today, Ann is committed to continuing the legacy her and her late husband have created within the community, through the Ann and Roger Phillips Foundation.


To support the Darke Hall Matching Gift Challenge, visit the donation page.