Statistics for oURspace
Total visits
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Cree: Language of the Plains / nēhiyawēwin: paskwāwi-pīkiskwēwin | 43549 |
Leadership and Influencing Change in Nursing | 27033 |
Reflective Essay 2013 | 4756 |
Art and Music at the University of Regina: The Centennial Legacy | 4651 |
Why do Reginans feel safe in “Canada’s Worst Neighbourhood”? | 4597 |
Titanic, Science, the Arts and the Microbes | 4597 |
Self-Storying to (De)Construct Compulsory Heterosexuality: A Feminist Poststructural Autoethnography of a Self-Wedding Ritual | 4459 |
Fatigue in Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Role of Parental and Child Factors for Mothers and Fathers | 4452 |
Pierre Trudeau's Just Society: Bold Aspirations Meet Realities of Governing | 4144 |
Ultrasound Testing System for the Detecting of the Shape and Growth of a Vapor Chamber in the VAPEX Process | 3895 |